On the 23rd of June 2012 i was asked to be part of the Comma Group exhibition held in Perugia, Italy. My friends from Two Things, Marco (Morcky) & Rocco (Boghe) invited me together with a very talented group of artists: Andrea Di Cesare, Ephameron, Joe Franceschi (Why Style), Lok Jansen, Morcky, Pane (Why Style), Rocco Pezzella, San, Lennard Schuurmans & Niels Shoe Meulman.
I had a blast and was very honoured to be part of this...
I had a blast and was very honoured to be part of this...

My own silkscreen pints! These are for sale, few left... Write me an email if you are intrested!

Silkscreen. Title: Evidence

Silkscreen. Title: All city

Silkscreen, Title: you're welcome